Beginners guide to start writing poems

Red Artic
5 min readJan 26, 2021

I know many people loves art, poems, music and many things. You may also love any of these. But poetry is a whole different thing. You can opt to draw, after some practice you will come a beautiful state, music after some practice you can also bring the rhythm or the rhyme and a vocal. But taking those to a higher standard need passion, consistency, imagination. But if you start poetry, there’s no way for starting as a beginner. You have to be imaginary, need to keep more words in your mind and also need to know the use of the same word in many different ways. For this you need to read, poem books, listen calmful songs (no rap or death metal or rocks). Listen, you may like rap or other previously mentioned genre of songs but you can not make your mind come to a calmful state with those songs. You can listen those is free hours. But the more you get indulged to poetry, more you will start to dislike these songs. You may still support your favorite artist or the musical band but mostly you won’t like to listen those. When I started poetry, I also started to find Eminem boring, while I was a great fan of Eminem, but I still love and support Eminem. So here are the three main things to learn before getting into poetry. Or you may prerequisite. So here we go — — -


As a beginner you will definitely need to have a great knowledge on English, of course there are other poetic words for a specific word that you use daily. Those words make a poem beautiful, so read books following by surfing through dictionary. If you like to be on internet most time, there are many great platforms for dictionary, you can subscribe to their word of the day newsletter. And if you being more physical, you can always go with a dictionary. My recommendation is to read an oxford dictionary because It has a good explanation for every word, still you can choose Merriam-webster, but it’s all up to you, which dictionary you can understand well. These will give you more word stocks and reading books will give you how to paly those words. And if you think you already have more word stocks than average you can move to the next. But remember there’s always a better word for everything. I know you can’t memorize the whole dictionary, but you keep those in practice by going through them each and every day.


Now if you came over from the previous, it’s time to be imaginary. You can be anything in poems, from a bird to a heart, to a sea to a little ant, anything you imagine yourself, you can write poems as that imagined yourself. This is kind of first-person view, being yourself, what you think. Other way you can write as a third person and describe that particular insect that you like to describe about. Next thing, read books or poems but don’t copycat the theme. Look I’m not talking about copying the poem, but you should not also copy the theme. Like suppose you read a poem on internet and no3w you try to write a poem on that theme. Something kind of summer or sad poem you read, now you try to write a poem like that. Avoid those. Don’t write the imagination of others. Now, poetry is not going to make you a millionaire, it’s something like a hobby, you may be a student, or working somewhere. You write poems for hobby or self-entertainment. And read hose to your friend or you mom dad. They are mostly going to appreciate you because of their own son wrote it. And going to tell you to leave this for school or examination purpose. So, I did not tell my parents about writing poems. If your parents support it, great. Carry on.


So last but not least, describe what you are feeling inside. Not something you read and try to write a poem on that basis. Always learn from others and try to pour out your heart in your poem. Now if you think, you are not getting any subject, pick an ant or a tree. Remember I told you that you can be anything when you are writing a poem. Also, you can describe the ant or the tree from your own view or describe tree as its own view. Don’t go off-topic. Like writing about any season, you went to write about your heart or a tree or any other subject. Don’t do so. Now thing about the consequences, the life of a tree from your own view, or better be the tree itself and write about yourself. First time of course you can’t make something until you have a talent, like Shakespeare had, Wordsworth had. They used to totally describe their heart, anything came to their mind, they used to pick that subject and make something beautiful of it. Now I’m not discouraging you that you can’t be that excellent. Yes, you can. Nobody knows what you have inside, until you try itself. So always try to write what you have inside, whatever you are feeling inside. If you feel something being discouraged by life, write that. That poem will be your true self.


So, at last I want to congrats you that you might be a better poet in future, as you are reading these, you may be a poet or you are trying to be a poet. So, don’t feel discouraged if you can’t make it first time. You may make it the next time, now don’t feel like you have to do it anyhow. Poem is not a thing for a busy mind. You have to be calm before you write poems. So always choose an empty place or somewhere peaceful, there is less noise, like in morning, or at night if you live in a city. If you live near a forest that is less dangerous, go to the jungle and feel the situation and write. There you are going to find different subjects, birds, flower, trees, if at night it’s moon, in day it might be sun, rivers (if there is any), so many subjects you will find. When you become a better poet, you can easily feel these situations at any calm place. So, if you feel like you are going to be poet, be it, don’t give up. Once you start it, it takes time to learn, nut giving up takes only a few second. So, congratulation, for a younger poet, may you be a better poet in future.



Red Artic

Hi I'm a young poet from New York, I write poems on allpoetry and writerscafe. You can go and check those out. Username is same. Thanks.